visual ethnography ">

Dr. Maximilian C. Forte

Visual Anthropology


Below is a list of key concepts for this course. It is important that as you encounter these in lectures and readings, that you make a note for yourself. It is expected that you will use these concepts in your course assignments.

Please download a copy here in PDF format.

Please note: this is not the same list of concepts as the one found in your concepts essay assignment.

  1. Anthropometrics

  2. Badaud

  3. Cine direct

  4. Cine verite

  5. Colonialism

  6. Conventionalism

  7. Cultural Constructionism

  8. Documentary film

  9. Emic

  10. Erklarung

  11. Ethnographic Present

  12. Ethnography

  13. Etic

  14. Evolution

  15. Expressivism

  16. External narrative

  17. Film

  18. Flâneur

  19. Footage

  20. Formalism

  21. Illustrative Ethnographic Film

  22. Imagist realism

  23. Naturalism

  24. Objective Recording

  25. Objectivity

  26. Observational cinema

  27. Observationalism

  28. Photo Elicitation

  29. Positivism

  30. Production

  31. Realism

  32. Reception

  33. Record footage

  34. Reflexivity

  35. Reportage Film

  36. Research footage

  37. Revelatory Ethnographic Film

  38. Romantic Primitivism

  39. Salvage Ethnography

  40. Scripted Filming

  41. Sequencing

  42. Shared anthropology

  43. Spectacle

  44. Staged Authenticity

  45. Subjectivity

  46. Symbols

  47. Verisimilitude

  48. Verstehen

  49. Voyeurism


















































































































































ethnographic film