visual ethnography Visual Anthropology, Concordia University, Max Forte

Welcome to ANTH 398 E4
a course in
Concordia University

In looking at the history of ethnographers’ visual documentation of non-Western peoples as well as indigenous self-representations, this course primarily concerns itself with power, representation, and the development of professional anthropology, focusing on photography and film. This course explores paradigms and case studies in the history of visual anthropology by highlighting the stylistic, social scientific, commercial and political agendas that influence the production of visual documents. Starting with colonial exhibitions of “exotic natives,” the course progresses to classic and contemporary ethnographic film with a focus on Curtis, Flaherty, Mead, Gardner, Rouch and MacDougall.

Class room: H-433 (SGW)
Meeting days and times:
Wednesdays, 10:15am--1:00pm
03 January--04 April, 2007

Site designed and maintained by Maximilian Forte
































































































ethnographic film