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Introduction to Anthropology and Sociology by Max Forte


Please Note: all of the files listed below are in PDF format, requiring an Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download for free. Also, most of these files sizes are very large--not recommended for dial-up connections. You cannot print, capture or change these documents on your hard drive. These files are designed for reading online. In the event the links end up expiring, or there is a download error, the course director is not responsible for the maintenance of these files. Finally, these items appear in roughly the same order as the topics we will cover in this course.

Introduction to Anthropology (411 Kb)

Introduction to Sociology (0.99 Mb)

Deciding What to Believe (253 Kb)

Six Steps to Understanding and Evaluating Arguments (460 Kb)

Theories in Social Research (459 Kb)

Doing Anthropological Research (1.3 Mb)

Doing Field Research (397 Kb)

Doing Sociological Research (311 Kb)

Culture in Anthropology (718 Kb)

Culture in Sociology (924 Kb)

Body Ritual among the Nacirema (52.7 Kb)

Socialization and the Life Course (982 Kb)

Social Structure and Interaction in Everyday Life (952 Kb)

Defining Deviance (39 Kb)

Theories of Deviance (67 Kb)

Deviant Behaviour and Social Control (2.90 Mb)

Sociology of Deviance (63 Kb)

Labeling Theory (48 Kb)

Conflict Theory of Crime (56 Kb)

Language (712 Kb)

Sociology of Religion (238 Kb)

Race and Ethnic Relations (884 Kb)

Canada as a Model of Ethnic Harmony? (789 Kb)

Kinship (1.25 Mb)

Families (650 Kb)

Gender and Sexuality (858 Kb)

Social Stratification (1.42 Mb)

Exchange and Economic Systems (494 Kb)

Economy and Work (810 Kb)

Political and Economic Systems (1.68 Mb)

The McDonaldization of Society (78 Kb)

The Disneyization of Society (71 Kb)

Sociology of Sustainable Development (577 Kb) 

Technology and the Global Environment (695 Kb)