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Dirks, Nicholas B., Geof Eley, and Sherry B Ortner. 1994. Culture/Power/History. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.

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Friedrich, Paul. 1968. The legitimacy of a cacique, pp.243-70, in Local-Level Politics. M. Swartz, ed. Chicago: Aldine.

Friedrich, Paul. 1989. Language, ideology, and political economy. American Anthropologist 91 (2):295-312.

Giddens, Anthony. 1985. The Nation-State and Violence. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Gledhill, J., B. Bender, and M.T. Larson, eds. 1988. State and Society: the Emergence and Development of Social Hierarchy and Political Centralization. London: Routledge.

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Godelier, M. 1986. The Making of Great Men: Male Power and Domination Among the New Guinea Baruya. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Harvey, Neil. 1998. The Chiapas Rebellion: The Struggle for Land and Democracy. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press.

Hobsbawm, Eric. 1971. Primitive Rebels. Manchester: University of Manchester Press.

Hutchinson, Sharon E. 1996. Nuer Dilemmas: Coping with Money, War and the State. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Kapferer, Bruce. 1997. The Feast of the Sorcerer: Practices of Consciousness and Power. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.

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Keesing, Roger M. 1992. Custom and Confrontation: The Kwaio Struggle for Cultural Autonomy. Boulder, CO: Westview.

Kertzer, David I. 1988. Ritual, Politics, and Power. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Kurtz, Donald V. 2001. Political Anthropology: Paradigms and Power. Boulder, CO: Westview.

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Lewellen, Ted C. 1992. Political Anthropology: An Introduction, 2nd ed. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey.

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Vincent, Joan. 1990. Anthropology and Politics: Visions, Traditions, and Trends. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

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Wolf, Eric R. 1990. “Distinguished Lecture: Facing Power—Old Insights, New Questions”. American Anthropologist 92:586-96. Reprinted in Assessing Cultural Anthropology, pp.218-228, Robert Borofsky, ed. 1994. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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